Your Family Is God’s Plan: His Mercy from Generation to Generation From generation to generation, God has filled the world with families. And yours is unlike any other on earth! But... Your Family Is God’s Plan... Ray & Jani Ortlund To the Tenth Generation: God’s Heart for Your Family, Far into the Future In the midst of family life, most days are too busy to think far into the future. Then once the... To the Tenth Generation: ... Ray & Jani Ortlund Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament With the torrent of publications on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the time is ripe... Dictionary of the New Tes... Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. You're Not Crazy: Gospel Sanity for Weary Churches Practical Advice for Weary Leaders Who Want a Gospel-Centered Culture for Their Church Being a pastor is hard. Whether it’s relational... You're Not Crazy: Gospel ... Ray Ortlund Psalms - Bible Study Book with Video Access: Real Help for Real Life Psalms Bible Study Book with Video Access includes printed content for six sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture,... Psalms - Bible Study Book... Ray Ortlund Humility: The Joy of Self-Forgetfulness There are many misconceptions about what it means to be humble. Some think that being humble means hiding your talents... Humility: The Joy of Self... Gavin Ortlund Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t: The Beauty of Christian Theism It has never been more important to articulate the wonder and enchantment of the Christian message. Yet the traditional approaches... Why God Makes Sense in a ... Gavin Ortlund The Death of Porn Your Battle against Porn Isn’t about Porn. It’s about Hope. Pornography may seem inescapable, but God can free us from its... The Death of Porn Ray Ortlund Help! I'm Married to My Pastor Ministry is hard. And every ministry wife needs—and deserves—encouragement. A woman marries a man, not his ministry. But all too often... Help! I'm Married to My P... Jani Ortlund Retrieving Augustine's Doctrine of Creation: Ancient Wisdom for Current Controversy How might premodern exegesis of Genesis inform Christian debates about creation today? Imagine a table with three people in dialogue:... Retrieving Augustine's Do... Gavin Ortlund Anselm's Pursuit of Joy: A Commentary on the Proslogion The interpretation of Anselm of Canterbury's Proslogion has a long and rich tradition. However, its study is often narrowly focused on its... Anselm's Pursuit of Joy: ... Gavin Ortlund Finding the Right Hills to Die On: The Case for Theological Triage In theology, just as in battle, some hills are worth dying on and others are not. But how do we... Finding the Right Hills t... Gavin Ortlund Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need Our Past to Have a Future Restless for rootedness, many Christians are abandoning Protestantism altogether. Many evangelicals today are aching for theological rootedness often found in other... Theological Retrieval for... Gavin Ortlund A Child’s First Book About Marriage: God’s Way is Always Best The world's view of marriage can often be very different to what the Bible says. But who is right, and... A Child’s First Book Abou... Jani Ortlund I and II Kings: A 12-Week Study The Knowing the Bible series is a resource designed to help Bible readers better understand and apply God’s Word. These 12-week... I and II Kings: A 12-Week... Gavin Ortlund Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel Winner of the ECPA Book of the Year Award for Bible Study! “This mystery is profound, and I am saying that... Marriage and the Mystery ... Ray Ortlund, Jr. Devotions for Ministry Wives The wife of a minister is made of the same stuff as any other woman, but her circumstances set her... Devotions for Ministry Wi... Contributions by Jani Ortlund ESV Women's Devotional Bible The ESV Women’s Devotional Bible is a valuable resource for strengthening women in their walk with God. Applicable for women... ESV Women's Devotional Bi... Contributions by Jani Ortlund ESV Gospel Transformation Bible The Gospel Transformation Bible features all-new book introductions and gospel-illuminating notes written by a team of over 50 outstanding pastors... ESV Gospel Transformation... Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. His Loving Law, Our Lasting Legacy Many Christians view the Ten Commandments as laws they are forced to obey in order to stay on God's good... His Loving Law, Our Lasti... Jani Ortlund A Passion for God Is your greatest passion for God? Do you want Him to change you however He desires and bring you into... A Passion for God Ray Ortlund, Jr. Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus An anthology of Advent readings collected from the writings and sermons of 22 classic and contemporary theologians and Bible teachers. Come, Thou Long-Expected ... Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. Fearlessly Feminine Women today seek encouragement and affirmation as they confront their own questions, doubts, and fears about womanhood. In Fearlessly Feminine,... Fearlessly Feminine Jani Ortlund Forgotten Songs Drawn by the rich spiritual depth produced in so many who have invested themselves in the Psalms, Forgotten Songs seeks... Forgotten Songs Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. God's Unfaithful Wife This beautifully written book, a New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, is marked by careful exegesis and deep sensitivity. It... God's Unfaithful Wife Ray Ortlund, Jr. Isaiah: God Saves Sinners In this expository commentary on the book of Isaiah, Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr., argues that Isaiah imparts a single vision... Isaiah: God Saves Sinners Ray Ortlund, Jr. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross This collection of readings, drawn from the writings and sermons of 25 classic and contemporary theologians and Bible teachers, focuses... Jesus, Keep Me Near the C... Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. Proverbs: Wisdom that Works How exactly does one become wise? With the overwhelming flood of information and opinion in our times—much of it a... Proverbs: Wisdom that Wor... Ray Ortlund, Jr. Supernatural Living for Natural People Romans 8 is a favourite of many Christians. Verse after verse is pure spiritual gold. It opens up to us... Supernatural Living for N... Ray Ortlund, Jr. The Deity of Christ This accessible volume—the third in the noted Theology in Community series—guides readers to the significance of Christ’s deity across the... The Deity of Christ Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. When God Comes to Church What will it take to bring genuine revival to the church? To our culture? Why does God seem to work powerfully... When God Comes to Church Ray Ortlund, Jr. Lord, Make My Life a Miracle! "I refuse to be an ordinary pastor! I refuse to pastor an ordinary church!" With those words Ray Ortlund stood... Lord, Make My Life a Mira... Ray & Anne Ortlund ESV Study Bible The ESV Study Bible was created to help people understand the Bible in a deeper way—to understand the timeless truth... ESV Study Bible Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. Let the Church Be the Church What is the secret of a vital, growing church? The answer Raymond C. Ortlund suggests in this book is deceptively... Let the Church Be the Chu... Ray Ortlund, Sr. Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood A controversy of major proportions has spread through the church. Recent generations bear witness to the rise of "evangelical feminism"-a... Recovering Biblical Manho... Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. A Fresh Start for Your Friendships People everywhere are on the hunt for togetherness, coziness, and belonging. That’s because God created us, and God Himself is... A Fresh Start for Your Fr... Ray & Anne Ortlund A Man and His Loves In a man's quest to be godly, the most essential quality--that of loving deeply--is most often overlooked. Bestselling authors Ray... A Man and His Loves Ray & Anne Ortlund Children Are Wet Cement Children are like wet cement-moldable and impressionable. In this best-selling book, Anne Ortlund shows parents how to practice verbal affirmation,... Children Are Wet Cement Anne Ortlund Circle of Strength Circle of Strength Ray Ortlund, Sr. Disciplines of the Heart The author's uniquely personal prose will comfort you, challenge you, and keep you going as you move toward the rich... Disciplines of the Heart Anne Ortlund Disciplines of the Home Has your house become a motel where family members only eat and sleep? If so, it's time to put your... Disciplines of the Home Anne Ortlund Discipling One Another Discipling One Another Anne Ortlund Fix Your Eyes On Jesus A tender-but-tough, back-to-basics message to help you keep your life in focus. Whether you are a new Christian, a long-time... Fix Your Eyes On Jesus Anne Ortlund How Great Our Joy The Holman Christian Standard Bible™ appears for the first time in a Christmas book, looking very much at home with... How Great Our Joy Ray & Anne Ortlund In His Presence More than 25 years ago, the Ortlunds set out to discover what it means to live in the presence of... In His Presence Ray & Anne Ortlund Intersections: Crossroads in Luke's Gospel Intersections: Crossroads... Ray Ortlund, Sr. My Sacrifice, His Fire Are you experiencing a lack of energy and enthusiasm in your daily Scripture reading and prayers? Have you grown weary of... My Sacrifice, His Fire Anne Ortlund Staying Power Staying Power Ray & Anne Ortlund The Best Half of Life The Best Half of Life Ray & Anne Ortlund The Gentle Ways of the Beautiful Woman For the woman who wants to be truly beautiful, inside and out, Anne Ortlund's trio of bestselling handbooks offers all... The Gentle Ways of the Be... Anne Ortlund Up With Worship Up With Worship encourages the pursuit of God's presence— to the point we become so thirsty we become “absolutely cotton—mouthed.”... Up With Worship Anne Ortlund New Dictionary of Biblical Theology At the heart of this work is an A-to-Z encyclopedia of over 200 key biblical-theological themes such as atonement, creation,... New Dictionary of Biblica... Contributions by Ray Ortlund, Jr. The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ "How does the church portray the beauty of Christ? The gospel is a theological message. But this message also creates human... The Gospel: How the Churc... Ray Ortlund, Jr.